Dragon's Era 2
Copyright 2024 by Ronald Martin Jacobson
The Ultimate MUD-Building Community!
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I have added a Card Game subgame to Dragon's Era.
Type !HELP to see the available commands.
Monsters will now drop cards for your library, 1 card every 50 monsters.
Most cards are summon cards. Some rare cards like 'Sweep' can also be found.

Sito has completed the area 'Seaside Beach' for levels 2-21. It is located outside of Port Kell.

Now shields will give a 25% chance to block all incoming attacks, physical or magical.
This compensates for the superiority of Armor Use and its four armor wear locations.

I have built a referral system for players to get rewarded with EXP and Silvers when they bring in new players.
Type REFER PLAYERNAME to set your 'ReferredBy' status. Once you set your 'ReferredBy' status you will get the same EXP and Silver bonus as your referrer does.
EXP bonus = 25 kills worth of EXP for your character.
Silver bonus = 2,000 silvers.
Both the referred character and the referring character will receive the EXP bonus and the Silver bonus on an hourly basis.

Ador has completed the area 'Balduin's Castle' for levels 11-18. It is located in the Zeklaus Desert.

Massive and Boss monsters now receive x5 HP instead of x10.

A new Locksmith flag has been added to rooms and can be edited in the builder.
Locksmiths pick and disarm your boxes for a small fee. Now you don't absolutely need a rogue.

MERGEing items has been modified: now more expensive gemstones grant more accessory bonuses.
Flag AutoStand has been added to characters which allows characters to automatically stand up when their posture is not standing.
Type FLAG AUTOSTAND to toggle this setting. It's really more convenient to autostand up.

Flag AutoGet has been added to characters which allows characters to automatically pick up and put away treasures they find on killed monsters.
Type FLAG AUTOGET to toggle this setting. It's really more convenient to autoget your treasures.

Tenko has completed the area 'Zeklaus Desert' for level 11. It is located outside Port Kell.

I have added the #TELEPORT command for builders to teleport into the areas they are building.

Tenko has completed the area 'Pogram Forest' for levels 9-11. It is located outside Port Kell.

Dragons now get +25% combat stats, like Boss monsters have. Now its worth taming those dragons.
Ador has completed the area 'Thornheart Village' for levels 5-7. It is located outside Port Kell.
Tenko has completed the area 'Port Kell Graveyard' for levels 7-9. It is located outside Port Kell.

I have boosted Max HP and MP for both players and monsters to (50 + (X * 20)).

I have finished building an in-game builder system. I am now offerring $10 per area to builders.
I have added a script voucher to my assortment of special items. Now I can give away script vouchers.

My webhost denies access from my server program, so website building doesn't work. I will build an in-game builder system.

I have finished the website builder system! Now anyone can build for Dragon's Era 2 using the website!
I added boss flag to monsters. Boss monsters have 10 times normal HP and +25% combat stats. They also give 500% EXP and treasure.

I have further nerfed Max HP and MP for both players and monsters to (50 + (X * 10)).

I added massive flag to monsters. Massive monsters have 10 times normal HP and cannot be tackled, grappled, or swept. They also give 500% EXP and treasure.
I added the spell StaticBarrier. This spell cannot be trained in. It is found in monster loot. It repels the next incoming successful attack.
I added the spell Telepathy. This spell cannot be trained in. It is found in monster loot. It allows telepathic communication over great distances.

I added stances to combat. Use the STANCE command to switch to one of the following stances: Offensive, Forward, Neutral, Guarded, Defensive.

I added scripts to items. Each item can contain a custom script accessible via the SCRIPT command.

I added a bounty system and a BOUNTIES command and a BOUNTY command. Now players can set bounties on others.

I nerfed HPMAX and PPMAX down to (50 + X^1.5).
I added a SHOW command to let you show an item to another player.
I added a MERGE command to let you merge a base item with a gemstone and a design. Accessory recipes can be discovered through this.
I added a COMBATSTATS command to let premium status players quickly view their combat stats from a single command. Premium status costs $90 for lifetime status.
I added a FINDLOOT command to let all players locate the treasure items they are looking for. Identifies the area, monster, and matching item name.
Now, every hour, all items on the ground decay into the ground (are deleted). This saves players the hassle of cleaning up after themselves.
I saved the Port Kell town design from Dragon's Era 1, but deleted all other areas.
I am working on a way to build for Dragon's Era 2 from this very website. I plan to pay $10 per new area to builders via paypal.
Now, every hour, the server will search for dead links and for multi links, and will correct any problems found.

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